Hello Colleagues! How was your summer vocation? Productive??? )))
See All of you on Monday. And Good Luck!
Hi Zana
The first 2 paragraphs are to go on the all ready post page by Sally and I
Also my conclusion and Section £ of the project
The granite stone was quarried by Ennstone Breed Ltd at South Penquite Farm, Blisland, Bodmin, Cornwall, PL30 4LH. shipped to Northern Ireland were it was milled by McConnells and sons
The original contractors Geoffrey Osboune Ltd were replaced by Whitehorse Contractors Ltd who Sub – Contracted out the laying of 840 metres squared of Addastone TP stone with an aluminium restraining edge, this project was completed in a month.
My conclusion for this part of the project is this
The designer used materials which if installed properly would last the test of time as intended. As for the walking in the feature I think this was an oversight but as she states it was never intended for this and more quiet contemplation. The underestimating of the popularity of the memorial where around 5,000 people per hour came to visit the fountain, which like the M25 is inexcusable as well as the poor choice of pathway around the perimeter. The pump a freak of nature or poor for thorough, my thorough is poor planning the grill should have stopped the leaves. The granite I still think is a good choice and only will get better with age. It seems to me that the overall success or failure of the scheme comes down to how competent the contractors installing the feature were! There were a few problems with the pump but this has been solved. The other facture with the failure of this project is how the public have decided to use the space.
Section 3 A study of Your Team
1. Your team Details have been submitted
2. Team’s working methods
The team started off in a very ad-hock manure with one dominate member issuing sections of the project to individuals which they perceived to be appropriate to each person in the group.
A blog was set up and unfortunately this was not used as it was intended and a vast quantity of irrelevant material was posted
Another meeting was held and a more formal structure was unsuccessfully tried to be implemented as members of the team would not follow the layout of the meeting.
Then a very formal meeting happened with a far greater level of susses as the project seamed to move forward after weeks of going over the same ground. In this meeting task’s where allocated to members who wanted to do them, and these where achieved quickly.
Communication was an issue even with the blog as some members would not post their findings on the blog but send by email.
3. How your Team Performed
Following each member of the group completing the Belbin test and the other one (don’t know the name) it was obvious that there was no obvious leader within the group. One was found eventually (which the whole group had mutual respect for and the group started to move forward. The team was disjointed with members overlapping research areas or just ignoring what they were asked to do. Egos where battered and peoples noses were put out of place. The feeling from the whole group is for this project to be completed and never to be looked at again.
4. Did process evolve
Dictatorship didn’t work but it was important to have a strong leader to guide the rest of the group to reach a finished project.
Individual drive seamed to produce the best results.
From the start of the project getting the whole team to move in the same direction rather than pulling in different ways, as well as reducing the faffing and producing results by all members of the group for the deadlines that had been set by the group.
Surprises how badly we worked together, and how members of the group could not follow simple instructions. Also the eventual leader / Chair person was the strong quit type.
Diana Princess Of Wales Memorial Fountain
West Carriage Drive London W2 2UH
Disabled buggies run free of charge on
Half- hourly trips, and will even drop and pick you
up from your favourite spots.
A large Cornish granite ring, with water running around it; which flows in two different directions at different speeds. The ring is designed to sit like a necklace on the contours of the land to represent Diana’s all encompassing approach / personality and how she was like the final piece (of jewellery) that finished us (Britain) in our makeup. It includes 3 bridges which take you to the heart of the fountain.
An area of quiet contemplation ; next to hustle and bustle of the park – Alexs’ opinion.
An area for quiet contemplation and reflection of life – Sallys’ opinion.
Time line and other data
Construction begins June 2003
Opened on Schedule July 2004
Cost £3.6m Size 80m x50m
ENFJs are the benevolent 'pedagogues' of humanity. They have tremendous charisma by which many are drawn into their nurturant tutelage and/or grand schemes. Many ENFJs have tremendous power to manipulate others with their phenomenal interpersonal skills and unique salesmanship. But it's usually not meant as manipulation -- ENFJs generally believe in their dreams, and see themselves as helpers and enablers, which they usually are.
ENFJs are global learners. They see the big picture. The ENFJs focus is expansive. Some can juggle an amazing number of responsibilities or projects simultaneously. Many ENFJs have tremendous entrepreneurial ability.
Your Type is |
Extraverted | Intuitive | Feeling | Judging |
Strength of the preferences % | |||
56 | 25 | 50 | 44 |
The design aims to reflect Diana's life, water flows from the highest point in two directions as it cascades, swirls and bubbles before meeting in a calm pool at the bottom.
The Memorial also symbolises Diana's quality and openness.
There are three bridges where you can cross the water and go right to the heart of the fountain.
It was designed to express Diana's spirit and love of children.[
The two sides were intended to show the two sides of Diana's life, both happy times and turmoil
As Diana was a contemporary and accessible princess, the fountain's goal was to allow people access to the structure and to the water for quiet wading and contemplation.
Design and Construction Faults and Remedial Actions
Rory Coonan, the brains behind Nesta (National Endowment for Science, Technology and Arts), described the fountain as "inherently unsafe." "The problem with the Diana design is that its dangers are not apparent to the user.
Supervision of children is difficult because the structure is too expansive." and said the latest changes were "bolt-on" measures: "They are an attempt to put sticking plaster on a poor design.
The memorial was shut on July 22 after three people slipped and hurt themselves. That came after a series of closures caused by a blocked pump, and flooding when leaves blocked drains after stormy weather
Under the new guidelines, drawn up with the help of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, people will be asked not to walk or run in the water. But they will be allowed to paddle their feet and dip their hands while sitting on the sides of the £3.6m feature.
The fountain was designed by the American architect Kathryn Gustafson as a tribute to Diana, nearly seven years after her death in a car crash in Paris.
Greg McErlean, the head of major projects for the Royal Parks, said the problems stemmed from overcrowding and people taking their interaction with the fountain too far.
When Good Practice = Best Practice
• The implementation, design and construction team should
understand and commit to the commercial, legal and moral
benefits of inclusive environments.
• Appoint an appropriate project Management Team and:
(a) Empower them to act effectively within the project structure
in the interests of access; and
(b) Pay a fee for the services the Management Team will have
To undertake. Do not deem the services to be included within a
Designer's existing appointment.
• Actively consider and integrate access issues at all stages of
the project briefing process.
• Through the proactive and consistent contributions of the key
Participants, convert the access requirements of the project
Briefs into appropriately designed and constructed buildings
that meets the requirements of the briefs.
• Review projects upon completion and use any lessons learned
for enhancing the delivery of future projects
Hi you lot, looks like blog beginning to work, not sure if you have checked your emails, but Nick has come up with sample Management Programmes which if implemented would create a very efficient group Management Team in order to achieve a first class presentation. In order to establish the correct group member for the roles although we know each other relatively well having spent 3 years together, there are certainly talents,weaknesses , relevant experience that we are not aware of. His idea of a brief CV from each group member would be helpful in selecting the right person for the various roles, if we can do this before thur we could simply put the name of the person we feel would be most suited to each role into a hat anomynsly sort them out then we have our team without wasting time on discussions regarding these roles. I feel this is essential as it will form an efficient group and also will cover point one of the three aims page 1 ' YOUR PROJECT'S DESIGN TEAM AND IT WORKINGS' will also be a good platform to work from on point 3 'HOW YOUR OWN STUDY TEAM OPERATED. Will also provided the platform the first of the two assessed products ' A TEAM REPORT'.
What do you guys think feedback appreciated so we can get going ready for Thursday would suggest we work from 'NOBODYS PERFECT' Team structure
Outward looking Inward looking
Chairman Company Worker
Plant Monitor Evaluator
Resource Investigator Team Worker
Shaper Finisher
This is attached to Nicks' email and is based on 8 group members but one of us can take 2 roles, I don't mind doing it unless after reading brief CV's we decide otherwise.
Sally Kimmis
Brief CV
Left College in 1982 Worked in London for 5 years as a PA/Secretary in Export Company called Proudmain Limited.
1987 Decided commuting was wasting too much time, therefore joined Marley Waterproofing Limited as Export Administrator, after 2 years promoted to Export Admin Manager, based in Sevenoaks.
1991 Went on Maternity Leave, and decided to have career break.
1992 Took part-time position at local doctors as a Medical Secretary stayed at this position whilst having the girls (3) in total.
2000 Got Divorced and moved to Leybourne just me and the girls, left doctors practice and worked with Kings Hill Recruitment as a temp secretary.(To fit in with children).
2002 Trained at Hadlow to achieve National Award in Floristry (Distinction).
2005 Started my own business Fleurs de Filles, run from new home with Ian and Girls, Ian built a workshop on side of house so I could work from me as I wanted to be available for my children.
2006 First back operation continued to run Fleurs de Filles after initial recovery, 2007 Second Operation still running Fleurs de Filles but starting to do less due to back deteriorating.
2009 Decided a career change was necessary as I was struggling with running business, although still did some with Ians' assistance and started BA in Garden Design as I could still work even if in bed,
Numerous hospital procedures and appointments, in patient stays etc. as don't know from day to day how I will be and can only control my days with variations of different medications and timing of them
This usually enables me to attend uni without too many problems. Mobility continues to deteriorate, however will still be able to work on self-employed basis with Ian doing hard and soft tasks, whilst
Having certain problems resolved prior to the installation of a Spinal Cord Stimulator which should reduce pain dramatically (fingers crossed)-no guarantees but worth a shot!