Sunday, 20 February 2011

PDMF Report

Hi Everyone,

As you know, the report is due in on Friday 25th and we're aiming to hand it in on Thursday when we're in. The last thing we'll have to do on Thursday is allocate a proportion of 100% to everyone. We could all have 14.3% or, as was agreed initially we can devise a way to convert our (secret) scoring of each other into a proportion that reflects the average of our scores. I have some of the best brains in Mayfield working out how to do this - just hope a heavy lunch doesn't interfere with their sums.

Many thanks to Nick and Zana for producing material for the report. I've done some editing and I think everyone needs to contribute their voice for the following elements:
•1.1 We are asked about the 'atmosphere' of the built product - does anyone have a contribution?
•1.4 We are asked for the group's assessment of how the teams and processes worked together. Does anyone have anything more to say on this?
•1.5 For the judgement part I've suggested at table to show what worked, what didn't and surprises. We have a good list of what didn't work but could do with some appreciative comments, afterall, it is there, working, attracting visitors. Any fans out there willing to make a comment?
•3.5.3 Asks 'what ideas might you translate to your individual work'. Can we all write a short paragraph on what we have learnt from studying the PDMF and working as a team and let Zana have it as soon as possible?
•4 References. Forward these to Zana.
