Friday, 11 February 2011

Carolyn Morris-Jones - Background

In looking at how to assign roles to individuals within the team we tried three approaches: reviewing our various backgrounds and experiences, taking the Belbin self-perception test and the Jung/Briggs Myers personality typology test.
I qualified as a solicitor and worked for a couple of years before taking time out to raise four children. During this time I did a Masters degree in Medical Law and Ethics and did some voluntary work for a charity. I worked as a student midwife for a couple of years until family commitments necessitated a change in working pattern. Since then I have studied textiles, done some voluntary work in a garden and project managed the renovation of a Listed property.
My Belbin test results showed that my strengths were primarily as a plant or creative problem solver. My secondary strength is as a team worker, concerned with the cohesiveness of the team. My weakness is as a completer/finisher with an eye for the detail work. I broadly agree with these descriptions.
My Jung/Briggs Myers typology is INFJ – introverted, intuitive, feeling, judging - which is a better match with the team worker role as it is characterised as being concerned with relationships, consulting and cooperating.