Thursday, 10 February 2011

Our Background!!!

How did my previous experiences influence this project?


  1. Alex Stevenson
    Director of a Landscape contractor company
    Qualified in Landscape and amenity studies from Hadlow College.
    Has worked in the industry for 20 years
    Husband, father of 2
    Myself perception inventory
    Shaper 30 points
    Company worker 17 points
    Your Type is

    Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
    Strength of the preferences %
    11 50 12 33

    INTJ type description by D.Keirsey
    INTJ Identify Your Career with Jung Career Indicator� INTJ Famous Personalities
    INTJ type description by J. Butt and M.M. Heiss

    I consider my self to be a hardworking and adaptable individual with some useful skills and knowledge gained through academic, personal and professional experience. I believe that my organizational skills are good and that I am an excellent communicator. One of my strength is ability to keep calm and logical in emergency and stressful situation.
    My Jung/Briggs Myers typology is INTJ. This test results showed that I have:
    • Very expressed introvert 78%
    • Moderately expressed intuitive personality 38%
    • Moderately expressed thinking personality 50%
    • Slightly expressed judging personality 1%

    My Belbin test results showed that my strengths are:
    • Shaper. Challenging, dynamic, thrives on pressure. The drive and courage to overcome obstacles.
    • Implementer. Disciplined, reliable, conservative and efficient. Turns ideas into practical actions.

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  5. Carolyn Morris-Jones - Background
    In looking at how to assign roles to individuals within the team we tried three approaches: reviewing our various backgrounds and experiences, taking the Belbin self-perception test and the Jung/Briggs Myers personality typology test.
    I qualified as a solicitor and worked for a couple of years before taking time out to raise four children. During this time I did a Masters degree in Medical Law and Ethics and did some voluntary work for a charity. I worked as a student midwife for a couple of years until family commitments necessitated a change in working pattern. Since then I have studied textiles, done some voluntary work in a garden and project managed the renovation of a Listed property.
    My Belbin test results showed that my strengths were primarily as a plant or creative problem solver. My secondary strength is as a team worker, concerned with the cohesiveness of the team. My weakness is as a completer/finisher with an eye for the detail work. I broadly agree with these descriptions.
    My Jung/Briggs Myers typology is INFJ – introverted, intuitive, feeling, judging - which is a better match with the team worker role as it is characterised as being concerned with relationships, consulting and cooperating.

  6. NICK


    Nick has an Economics degree and MBA from top Universities. He has had a Business development and research career in large multinational corporations, followed by an internationally based contracting role in research and IT.

    Briggs-Meyer score: INTP

    Introvert 78%, Intuitive 75%, Thinking 12%, Perceiving 44%

    Recommended career: Architect! (personal note – applied to Cambridge to read Architecture, got rejected and been in the wrong career ever since…until now??)

    Belbin scores:

    Highest RI 17, Next Highest SH 15, Lowest CF 1, next lowest CH 5

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